Who can register?
Any youth, 9U to 19U, from any school district in the Chippewa Valley and beyond, is eligible to play.
How do I register?
When the registration period is active, click HERE to start. Returning families can enter their log in information. New families will have to create an account. Update or enter your family information including any family member that will be registered for a team. Follow the prompts to complete the registration.
How much does it cost?
Each player will be assessed a registration fee and an additional cost for game uniforms. All players/parents are responsible for the costs of individual player equipment and clothing, i.e.: jerseys, shorts, socks, cleats, shin guards, etc. There may also be additional fees if your team registers for tournaments beyond regular season play. All of these fees may change from season to season. The Club offers financial aid to assist families in offsetting a portion of the registration fee for those families. If financial need is needed, there is a short application available as part of the registration process.
What equipment will my player need?
Besides the game uniform, cleats (w/o metal spikes or cleat on the toe) and shin guards are required for games and practice. Proper athletic/workout attire will be needed for practice as well. For indoor practices, your player should have proper athletic footwear. It is also recommended that they bring a soccer ball and water bottle to practice. Players will be responsible for bringing both home and away jerseys to all games.
How long is the season?
Spring league play usually starts in early May and goes until mid-June. Some teams start practicing in March, maybe earlier, depending on age group, weather, availability of indoor facilities, etc. Fall league begins mid September and goes until mid October. Independent tournaments vary on dates depending on location.
How much traveling is there?
The Chippewa Strikers Soccer Club is considered a travelling, competitive soccer club, so travel is required for all players. Games can be up to 1 1/2 hours away but are generally no more than that. Home games are held at the Chippewa Strikers Soccer Complex at Hallie Park in the Village of Lake Hallie. Tournaments are most often away, falling into the same traveling time as regular season games and further. Transportation to and from all games is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. Many teams will organize or offer carpooling for players needing a ride.
When and how often are practices?
Practice dates, times, and frequency are determined by the team's coach (with input from families) and based on the availability of open fields and/or gyms. Teams typically have 2 practices per week on weekdays. Players are expected to attend all practices. Missing practices (without a coaches' approval) may have an effect on playing time. Transportation to and from all practices is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
When are games?
WYSA leagues games will be held on weekends, usually Saturdays, with 2 or more games in a day. Start times fluctuate throughout the entire day. Tournaments most often take place on weekends with multiple games throughout the day.
Do we have to travel to a game or come to practice if the forecast is for bad weather?
League policies state that games can only be called off for bad weather by a league or club official. In some circumstances, this may not occur until a team has already arrived at the field, though it is most often called off prior to leaving for the game. Teams will be expected to travel to all games unless a league or club official cancels games prior to arrival to the field. After game start, the officials on the field will have the authority. Games will be held during rain only events.
If a severe storm approaches the playing area during a game or practice, play may be suspended while shelter is sought and ALL participants MUST clear the field immediately and move into their cars or other permanent shelter. If there is visible lightning, audible thunder or in the event of National Weather Service warning (i.e.tornado warning), the game or practice must be suspended IMMEDIATELY and all participants MUST seek shelter. Games and practices cannot be resumed until 30 minutes passes without the presence of lightning or thunder. During practices, the coaches will be the authority on the field and all participants are expected to follow their directions. Practices will be at the discretion of the coach during rain only events.
What if my child gets hurt?
Coaches and league officials do everything in their power to keep players safe, but as with any physical sport, injuries may occur. It is understood that the Chippewa Strikers Soccer Club will not be responsible for any injury that may occur to a player. A parent or guardian must sign a health/emergency form and waiver/release form before the player may practice. The Chippewa Strikers Soccer Club does hold liability insurance for both the club and individual players, which is included in the registration fee.
What is expected of Chippewa Strikers Soccer Club families?
The Chippewa Strikers Soccer Club is run exclusively by volunteers. We rely on all to help provide the services we offer to our soccer members. All families are expected to volunteer is some capacity to provide these services.